Share your Art of Worship on the RTCNW stage.

Summer 2023 | TBD

What does it take?

To be a participant, you must have a willing heart and an eager soul. Be ready to spend the day doing what you love. We all come to Rock the Church with the realization that it's not about us. What we come together to accomplish is about God and our audience being invited into worship. Don't think of RTCNW as a concert; it's an opportunity. What you do with your opportunity is up to you!


Our Expectations

  • Exhibit professionalism at all times.

  • Honor everyone's time, talent or calling, and equipment—disrespect and acting like a "diva" won't be tolerated.

  • Pray for us and each other as we pray for each of you.

  • Understand that creativity is loved by God and being unique doesn't make you or another person wrong.

  • Respect the leadership, decisions, and vision of the RTCNW Board.

  • Help us grow your audience so everyone has someone to perform for by helping get the word out.

  • Forgive without being asked and offer grace without being told.

  • Be aware that the image of your ministry and talent, as well as that of RTCNW, can be impacted by you alone.

  • Realize that we are all part of something greater than any of us can see right now, so think beyond the moment that involves you.

  • Don't just wait your turn; support each other by being as present as an observer as you are as a performer.

  • Bring concerns to the leadership if there is an issue, but leave a little room for what you don't know because gossip kills.

  • Have fun, say hello to someone new, and make a joyful noise for the Lord.

Artist Application


If you're interested in performing on stage at RTCNW 2020, fill out the form below and we'll be in touch with you as we complete the selection process.
Want to showcase or sell your art as an artist vendor? Please complete a Vendor Application instead.

Don't worry — your information stays with us.